How much do I get back for each bag?

New government guidelines mean that carrier bags now cost 10p. We pay 10p per bag that is returned to us. Together, we can make sure that every one of our bags is recycled using a closed-loop system so that new bags can be made from old ones.

Here’s what you need to do to recycle your bags once you’ve got them:
1) Count the number of Ocado bags you have leftover.
2) Hand a bagful of carrier bags back to your driver (max. 99 bags).
3) Tell the driver how many Ocado bags you’re handing back.
Your bags will then be bought back based on that amount. We will recycle all carrier bags that you give to your driver, but you will only get a Bag Recycle Bonus on Ocado bags. We’ll send you an email confirming your bonus after your bags have been counted and processed. This should be on the same day that we deliver your shopping. 

If you want to find out more about our bag recycling scheme, our blog is a good place to start. You should know though that we don’t make any profit on our bag sales – it all goes straight back to the environment through great causes like WRAP and Trees for Cities.

Carrier bags are currently the best way of keeping your groceries safe and avoiding waste. Thanks for doing your part to recycle them.

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