How do I get my Bag Recycle Bonus?

Simply follow the process below and we’ll discount 10p per Ocado bag from your final order total.

  1. Count the number of Ocado bags you have left over.
  2. Put them into one outer Ocado carrier bag, and hand this back to your driver (max. 99 bags).
  3. Tell the driver how many Ocado bags you’re handing back.
  4. The bags are recycled as part of our closed-loop process.

You'll then receive an email confirming your new order total (with the discount applied). We will recycle all carrier bags that you give to your driver, but you will only get a Bag Recycle Bonus on Ocado bags. 

We’ll send you an email confirming your bonus after your bags have been counted and processed. This should be on the same day that we deliver your shopping.

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