For the vast majority of products (98.5%), the price you see on our website is the price you’ll pay, even if the price were to increase between the time you place your order and when it arrives at your door.
We provide an estimated total before delivery to account for the small proportion of products that may change in price because their typical weight fluctuates. These items are usually fresh produce such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables for which we use ‘catch-weight pricing’.
What is catch-weight pricing?
Some fresh produce such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are priced according to their size and weight - something we won’t know until your precise cut of meat, or exact portion of vegetables, are picked, packed and delivered to you.
To give customers the best idea of what they’ll pay for these items, we provide a ‘typical weight range’ along with a ‘typical price per item’ on the product page - the final price may differ very slightly depending on the product’s exact size and weight.
This ‘typical price’ is then used to estimate your total before delivery, and once your order is delivered, we recalculate your total based on the size of the catch-weight items you received.