M&S ▸
- Why are some items priced differently in M&S stores?
- Does M&S have a good range of vegetarian and vegan produce?
- How does the M&S range cater for free-from and other dietary requirements?
- What M&S brands do you stock?
- Do you sell M&S homeware?
- There are items I usually shop in store with M&S that I can't find on Ocado.com
- Can I access the M&S food-on-the-go range online?
- Doesn’t M&S food have more plastic/less sustainable packaging?
- What is the M&S stance on animal welfare?
- Does Ocado accept M&S gift cards?
- Can I use my Sparks card, and get Sparks offers when shopping with Ocado?
- Can I return products to M&S stores e.g. clothes/homeware?
- My main problem when shopping with M&S is the use-by dates. Are you working to improve this?